Ode to English

RMG Millo
1 min readJul 1, 2021

which as of today, on my desk,

I compel myself

to know more and

compel myself

to take reading and writing

the way my teacher taught me,

who, even now speaks wisdom

about reading and writing,

how words can make you cry,

how they can make you laugh, or

even how these words can make you feel

all these emotions at once because

reading and writing is painful,

that when you begin to care about

reading and writing, and about the

weight of each word, the subtle

fragrance of each sentence, even

the texture of your writing style,

when you shed the fear of a

fixed mindset and embrace growth,

you begin to commit yourselves to the truth,

and that always leads to a good place, although

those places aren’t always easy, because

that place has power, it is a power that leads to

the impossible possibles, it guides you through

the unknown knowns, you enter a world where you are

a naked, foolish character on the world’s grandest stage,

choosing to show your flaws because

the power of truth,

the power of literature,

the power of writing,

are all beyond you,

showing that your humanity

is a collection of reading and writing,

that words, humans, the truth,

are all compelled as one.



RMG Millo

Writing (like poetry and articles) amongst other things is ever evolving. The words, the flow, the rhythm; there is an evolution in the writer’s heart and mind.